Who is EnergyGlare?

2 min readDec 2, 2021

Get to know the new kid on the blockchain creating solutions to help the world meet carbon mission net zero, established in the Paris Agreement on December 12, 2015 and signed on by more than 200 countries to date.

Written by Rumen Yordanov, EnergyGlare CEO & Founder

EnergyGlare is built on the long experience of its founding team in environmental sustainability and energy carbon management. There are many obstacles and inefficiencies that slow down this market and they were previously neglected, because energy efficiency was seen by many as an optional add-on for companies that was good to have, but not necessary by any means.

This has changed dramatically over the past few years, and we are now entering a new era where organizations will have to decarbonize to stay competitive and survive.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) annual investments in low‐carbon technologies in end‐use sectors are projected to rise from USD 530bn currently to USD 1.7tn in 2030 (spending on deep retrofitting of buildings, transformation of industrial processes, purchase of low‐emissions vehicles and more efficient appliances).

To secure this tremendous increase of investment, new and more efficient tools need to be provided and this is our mission at EnergyGlare.

For first time, we will bring key stakeholders (Project Owners, Investors and Professional Service Providers) into a free global market for carbon reduction projects. For that purpose, we modify and modernize the proven ESCO model for energy saving contracts and implement it by smart contracts in a decentralized fashion.

Some of the unique features that EnergyGlare will introduce include:

• Provide retail investors with equal access to energy efficiency investment.

• Provide SMEs, financially stressed organizations and lower-income economies with equal access to funding and professional energy services.

• Provide institutional investors with tools for investing in energy efficiency.

• Create a secondary market for energy project contracts and lay the foundations of energy contract-backed derivatives.

• Introduce NFTs that will hold the meta-value of carbon reduction projects.

• EnergyGlare provides tracking of energy and carbon savings and tokenizing the achieved carbon credits.

  • Peg investments with rising energy prices as a hedge against inflation.

This is just the beginning of what we envision will become a key driver in sustainability and energy efficiencies.

Over the next few weeks, I will continue to update you on EnergyGlare’s mission and offer insights into our processes, planning and products & services. I hope you will join me on this journey and I’ll be happy to answer your questions and hear your feedback. — Rumen

Get to know more by visiting us www.energyglare.io

EnergyGlare Official https://t.me/EnergyGlareOfficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EnergyGlare

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/energyglare

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/energyglare/

